However, a far greater problem stymies me everytime I look
at this project. I just can't seem to find the perfect dispenser for children's acetaminophen.
The mock-up cup above shows a dandy 3 tsp cup. That is
about 15 ml. The problem is that in real life 15 ml is a pretty tiny cup and the scales may be hard to read. (We don't even
have a cup that size, so I haven't actually tested it.)
Standard 1 oz medicine cups hold about 30 ml. The
problem with going with an over-sized cup is that the action part of the cup then tends to be down in the bottom half of the
cup. This compresses the scale and makes it hard to read and generally look stupid.
Let's forget the cup and take a look at a totally different
device, an oral syringe. This one is from Janssen, Switzerland. It is a very elegant design, and there is plenty of room for
2 detailed scales plus a trademark. However, the size is not right here either. These syringes tend to be about 5 ml in size.
(Price might be an issue as well.)
Since the cups as made are too big, and the syringes as made
are too small, my hunch is we might have to change the volume of the acetaminophen. That is a little out of my league, which
is making easy prototypes to go with existing products. But the acetaminophen could probably be diluted to go with the cup,
or concentrated (like the infant product, maybe I could work with that) to go with an oral syringe.
I would appreciate
your comments.
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